Namespace: event

API. event

Methods related to Script Mode analytics events. This is an advanced interface for use by web apps that do not use the plugin’s HTML rendering.


<readonly> kind :string

These are the event kinds that are recognized by API.event#track.

  • string
Name Type Default Description
AD_REQUEST string ad-request

Ad request. This event is automatically tracked when the ad request has been dispatched

AD_RESPONSE string ad-response

Ad response. This event is automatically tracked when the ad response is received from the ad server, with a property of response status

IMPRESSION string impression

Ad impression. This event is automatically tracked when requestAd completes successfully. A pixel tracker may be added to the DOM.

COLLECTION_IMPRESSION string collection-impression

Collection impression. This event is automatically tracked when requestAd completes successfully. A pixel tracker may be added to the DOM.

IMPRESSION_FAILED string impression-failed

Impression Failed. This event is emitted when requestAd fails.

PRIMARY_CLICK string primary-click

Primary click event. Track this event when an ad is clicked. A pixel tracker image may be added to the DOM’s body element. Make sure you do not delete it.

SECONDARY_VIEW string secondary-view

Secondary page view event. Track this event when an article is displayed on screen as a result of an ad click. Do not use this event if the click came from a different web site. It is for internal links only.

DEEP_LINK string deep-link

Deep link page view event. Track this event when an article is displayed on screen as a result of a deep link from another web site.

INBOUND_VIEW string inbound-view

Inbound page view event. Track this event when an article is hosted on the CMS of the web site and is not served by MediaVoice.

CTA_CLICK string cta-click

Call-to-Action click event. Track this event when a CTA link is clicked.

CTA links can be identified by a containing SPAN or DIV with the nativeads-cta CSS class. This container will have a data-cta attribute whose value MUST be used as the ctaID value when tracking the event.

OPERATIONAL_CLICK string operational-click

Operational click event. Track this event when a hyperlink of an operational nature displayed within an ad experience has been clicked (or swiped) by a user.



Track an event for analytics collection.

Name Type Description
options object

Event options

Name Type Argument Description
kind API.event#kind

The kind of event to track. Example: "primary-click"

unit object <optional>

Ad unit

model object <optional>

The Article model. Used for Deep-linking and MOAT tracking.

adtag object <optional>

Ad tag

label string <optional>

Event label

href string <optional>

The page URL to track. By default, window.location.href will be used.

htmlElement object <optional>

The HTML element or [jQuery][1] object that contains the ad preview. This is required for MOAT tracking with the "impression" event. The element must be rendered and in the DOM. [1]:

ctaID string <optional>

The ID of the Call-to-Action (CTA). This is required by the "cta-click" event.

adResponseStatus string <optional>

The ad response status for the ad request. This is required by the "ad-response" event.

adResponseTime string <optional>

The time spent for an ad-request. This is required by the "ad-response" event.

promoFeedID string <optional>

The id of the promo feed from which a deep link page view event resulted from. This is only relevant when the event kind is a "deep-link".

incomingPropertyID string <optional>

The property ID of the traffic referrer. This is only relevant when the event kind is a "deep-link". Only use this when both the referring property and current property are owned by the same MediaVoice Organization.

incomingPropertyLabel string <optional>

The placement label of the traffic referrer. This is only relevant when the event kind is a "deep-link". Only use this when both the referring property and current property are owned by the same MediaVoice Organization.

error Error <optional>

An Error instance indicating the error that occurred. Should be supplied with all 'impression-failed' events.

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