Namespace: API


MediaVoice Plugin public API for Script Mode.

If you are looking for documentation on Managed Mode layouts, please see the ManagedMode page.




<readonly> $

The jQuery object that the plugin uses internally.


<static> disableIAS()

Disables IAS tracking. Differs from the above in that this applies the confDisabled property to the IAS config, allowing logs from iastracker.js to appear. See NA-8831 for more context.

<static> disableMOAT()

Disables MOAT tracking. Differs from the above in that this applies the confDisabled property to the MOAT config, allowing logs from moattracker.js to appear. See NA-8831 for more context.

configurePrivacy(conf) → {boolean}

Configure user privacy measures.

Name Type Description
conf object
Name Type Argument Description
privacyMode string <optional>

The privacy mode preset to use. Options are:

`gdpr`     : GDPR compliant.
`gdpr-eu`  : When in EU & similar, `gdpr`; `managed` otherwise.
`managed`  : User consent is externally managed (by site/app operator).
`no-track` : No user tracking will be performed.

The gdpr-eu setting is default.

When either gdpr or gdpr-eu is used, consent signals must be exchanged via IAB CMP JS or manually (via toggleUserConsent).

When in gdpr mode (or gdpr-eu while in a EU country), consent must be granted before user tracking can be performed.

When in managed mode (or gdpr-eu while in a non-EU country), user tracking will be performed unless consent is explicitly denied.

When in no-track mode, user tracking will never be performed.


Indicates if configuration was applied successfully.



Tell the plugin to track and/or render the page.

Name Type Description
conf object
Name Type Argument Description
dateFormat API.dateFormatterCallback <optional>

A callback that accepts a [Date][1] object and returns a formatted string. This lets you control how dates are rendered. [1]:

binding object <optional>

A map of CSS selectors that determine where on the page to render each piece of content. Known keys:

title, summary, content, author, pubDate,,, sponsor.logo, image.href, image.caption, image.credits

onFill API.secondaryPageOnFill <optional>

A callback that runs before the page is rendered to the DOM.

onRender API.secondaryPageOnRender <optional>

A callback that runs after the page is rendered to the DOM.

onError API.secondaryPageOnError <optional>

A callback that runs if the page cannot be rendered.

track function <optional>

A callback that runs when the plugin cannot determine whether the page should be tracked or not. This happens on inbound page views that were not directly triggered by an ad clickthrough.

To track these inbound pages, return the string "inbound" from this callback. Ideally, your page’s HTML will contain a Canonical Link Element that will be used for tracking.


This function is a no-op.

  • Yes

enableIAS(primaryEnabled, callback)

Eanble or disable IAS tracking.

Name Type Argument Default Description
primaryEnabled boolean <optional>

true to enable IAS tracking on primary views, false to disable it.

callback function <optional>

A callback function that returns an object. The object's key-values must comprise all the parameters required in order to inject the IAS tracking tag.

enableMOAT(enabled, primaryEnabled, contentDiv)

Enable or disable MOAT tracking.

Name Type Argument Default Description
enabled boolean <optional>

true to enable MOAT, false to disable it.

primaryEnabled boolean <optional>

true to enable MOAT tracking on primary views, false to disable it.

Added in v0.5.46. Previous plugin versions always behave as if this argument is true.

contentDiv string <optional>

Specifies the ID selector of the content div to be used by MOAT for tracking.

Added in v0.5.46. Previous plugin versions do not send any selector to MOAT, with the assumption that the entire page should be tracked.


Enable Single-page application (SPA) mode.

Name Type Description
pageOnHashChange boolean

An onhashchange event indicates that a new page has been rendered.

injectCSS(styles, target)

Inject CSS styles into the document.

Name Type Argument Default Description
styles string

CSS styles.

target string <optional>

Selector, whose matching elements will have a style element appended.


Request an ad and automatically place it in the page when it succeeds.

Name Type Description
options object
Name Type Argument Description
label string <optional>

Label that will be reported in analytics events.

unit object

Ad unit to request. Note that if the plugin is operating in "preview mode" and the "mvpi" parameter is supplied in the query string, then this unit is ignored by the plugin; instead the plugin always renders the preview with the creative referenced in the "mvpi" parameter.

location string

CSS selector where the ad should be inserted. It must match exactly one element.

infoText string

Text that is shown when the info button is clicked.

infoButtonText string

Text for the info button label.

template object | function

When an object is provided then the most appropriate template will be picked based on the ad tag. Source ad tags will translate to creative templates, At least one of the following values must be assigned. Possible object values are: creative, collection, or fn Both creative and collection must be assigned a handlebars template. fn must be passed a function that takes the adtag and model and returns a template function. When a function is provided then the function is assumed to be a creative template. The picked template will be run upon success, and inserted into the DOM where the location selector has a match.

onRender API.onRenderCallback

Callback that runs after the template is executed and inserted into the DOM.

onFill function

Callback that runs after a native ad is fetched successfully.

onError API.onErrorCallback

Callback that runs upon failure.

dateFormat API.dateFormatterCallback

Date formatter that will transform the pubDate. If this parameter is not defined, then the template will render raw [ISO 8601][1] dates. [1]:

sponsorLinkFormat API.sponsorLinkFormatterCallback

Sponsor Link formatter that will transform the sponsor link and name. If it is not defined, then the template will use the default formatting.

previews array

The list of ad previews in the collection to use if a collection ad tag is being used.

collectionSize Integer

The number of creatives that the collection template can render.


Request a collection of ads and automatically place each in the page when request succeeds.

A collection is a group of ads served from one ad request. To use a collection, you must first create the collection in MediaVoice, then traffic the collection ad tag as a normal 3rd-party unit through your ad server. Then, create a custom collection template that includes templates or logic to render each individual ad spot, which is used in the options argument.

Name Type Description
options object

The collection configuration.

Name Type Description
label string

A unique name for your collection.

unit object

The ad unit used to request the collection.

location string

The DOM node where the collection will be inserted.

infoText string

The text that is displayed when the info button is clicked.

infoButtonText string

The text displayed on the info button.

template object | function

When an object is provided then the most appropriate template will be picked based on the ad tag. Source ad tags will translate to creative templates, At least one of the following values must be assigned. Possible object values are: creative, collection, or fn Both creative and collection must be assigned a handlebars template. fn must be passed a function that takes the adtag and model and returns a template function. When a function is provided then the function is assumed to be a collection template. The picked template will be run upon success, and inserted into the DOM where the location selector has a match.

onRender API.onRenderCallback

Callback that runs after the template is executed and inserted into the DOM.

onFill function

A callback that is triggered after the ad request returns.

onError function

A callback that is triggered if a error occurs.

dateFormat API.dateFormatterCallback

Date formatter that will transform the pubDate. If this parameter is not defined, then the template will render raw [ISO 8601][1] dates. [1]:

sponsorLinkFormat API.sponsorLinkFormatterCallback

Sponsor Link formatter that will transform the sponsor link and name. If it is not defined, then the template will use the default formatting.

previews array

The list of ad previews in the collection to use if a collection ad tag is being used.

collectionSize Integer

The number of creatives that the collection template can render.


This function records strings, objects, etc. to the JavaScript console.

requestAd(options) → {object|null}

Request an ad on demand. The DOM’s body element may have a pixel tracker image appended after a successful ad request.

Name Type Description
options object

Ad request options

Name Type Argument Description
unit object

Ad unit. Will be passed to the ad driver.

Name Type Description
server string

Ad server, e.g. "dfp" or "mocean".

label string

Label. Used for the impression analytics event that is automatically tracked when the ad is successfully loaded.

previewCount integer <optional>

Used for collections to tell the API how many creatives to fetch.

onFill API.requestAdOnFill

Success callback.

onError API.requestAdOnError

Error callback.

htmlElement function <optional>

A function that returns the HTML element or jQuery object that contains the ad preview. The function will be called after the onFill success callback.

You must provide this function if MOAT is enabled. Otherwise, MOAT will be unable to track the viewability of the ad preview. The element must be rendered and in the DOM.


If the request is started successfully, then an object with a cancel function that you can call to abort the ad request. Otherwise, null.

object | null

requestCreative(options) → {null}

Request a creative on demand, given the creative’s instance ID. This is intended to be used when deep linking (i.e., when a page view is not driven directly by an ad-served impression). In this deep link use case, analytics must be manually reported via the track function, with options.kind holding a value of event.kind.DEEP_LINK, and values of null for both options.unit and options.adtag.

Name Type Description
options object

Request options.

Name Type Argument Description
id string

Creative id.

previewCount string <optional>

The number of creatives to request from the API. Used for collections.

onFill API.requestCreativeOnFill

Success callback.

onError API.requestCreativeOnError

Error callback.



Calls reset on all registered ad servers. For single-page applications the ad server may need to be reset between ad requests to ensure a new ad unit is delivered. If using DFP + GPT, this function should be called immediately after googletag.pubads().refresh(), in order to synchronize the correlator value used by GPT with the value used to request native ad units.


Set the Property ID for your page or application.

This function must be called exactly once, before any other plugin functions are called.

Name Type Description
id string

Property ID supplied by your MediaVoice account manager.


Set the URL path for the secondary page. This is required for the plugin to render the secondary page and generate links to it.

Name Type Description
url string

URL path to the secondary page. For example, "sponsored.html".


Set a callback function that tells the plugin whether a given link will be redirected to a different URL when clicked.

When your callback returns false, and the link’s destination is on the same origin as the current page, then the plugin will avoid storing tracking data in the destination URL. It will use HTML5 Web Storage instead.

This is necessary on web sites that do not work correctly when URLs have our tracking data added to the hash.

Name Type Argument Description
Callback API.willLinkRedirectCallback <nullable>

function that will be invoked when links are clicked.

toggleUserConsent(flag) → {boolean|null}

Toggle the user consent flag.

Name Type Description
flag boolean | null

The consent value to set. If null is passed, no change will be made.


The current consent flag value. If null, no consent decision has yet been made available.

boolean | null

Type Definitions

dateFormatterCallback(date) → {string}

Date formatter function.

Name Type Description
date Date

The [Date object][1] to format. [1]:


Formatted date.


onErrorCallback(error, extra)

Callback function, triggered when an internal error has occurred. Can be called from insertPreview or insertPreviewCollection.

Name Type Description
error string | object

A string or object representation of the error that occurred

extra object

Any extra error information around the error the occurred.

onRenderCallback($html, creative)

Callback function, triggered immediately after a placement is rendered by insertPreview or insertPreviewCollection.

Name Type Description
$html object

The jQuery object that was rendered from the template.

creative object

The creative that was rendered. This is the same object provided in the onFill callback.


Error callback function for the requestAd function.

Name Type Description
error object

The error that occurred while fetching the ad


Success callback function for the requestAd function.

Name Type Description
response object

The ad response

Name Type Description
model object

Model representing e.g. an article

adtag object

Creative and tracking info.


Error callback function for the requestCreative function.

Name Type Description
error object

The error that occurred while fetching the creative.


Success callback function for the requestCreative function.

Name Type Description
response object

The creative response.

Name Type Description
model object

Model representing e.g. an article.


Callback function, triggered when the secondary page cannot be rendered.

Name Type Description
error object

The error that occurred while fetching the secondary page content.


Callback function, triggered immediately before the secondary page is rendered into the DOM.

Name Type Description
model object

Model representing e.g. an article


Callback function, triggered immediately after the secondary page is rendered into the DOM.

sponsorLinkFormatterCallback(sponsorName, sponsorLink) → {object}

Sponsor link formatter function.

Name Type Description
sponsorName string

The name of the sponsor from the sponsornamelink cta.

sponsorLink string

The link for the sponsor from the sponsornamelink cta.


newSponsorName, newSponsorLink


willLinkRedirectCallback(url) → {boolean}

Callback that tells the plugin whether a given link will be redirected when clicked.

Name Type Description
url string

The URL of the link.


true if the link will be redirected, otherwise false. Returning false will allow the plugin to store tracking data with HTML5 Web Storage instead of altering the destination URL.

Copyright © 2013–2017 Polar Mobile Group Inc.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.6 on Fri Sep 20 2024 16:46:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) using the DocStrap template.