Namespace: Callbacks

ManagedMode. Callbacks

Managed Mode callbacks are JavaScript functions that run when your creatives load and render.

Each of your Managed Mode layouts has its own JavaScript code for each callback. This lets you write any layout-specific JavaScript code that you need.

The callback functions are:

Custom Injection Location

Type Definitions


An Advertiser object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
name string

The advertiser's name.

vertical ManagedMode.Callbacks.Vertical

The advertiser's vertical.


An Author object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
name string

The name of the author.


A Campaign object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
advertiser ManagedMode.Callbacks.Advertiser

The campaign's advertiser.

name string

The campaign's name.

team ManagedMode.Callbacks.Team

The team that owns this campaign.


The channel tells us whether we are running inside a normal web page, an AMP page, a mobile app, etc.

  • Object
Name Type Description
name "amp" | "applenews" | "instant-article" | "mobileapp" | "web"

The name of the channel.


A Conditions object is a set of predicates that are matched against how the creative was served.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
adUnit string <optional>

Ad unit condition. The format depends on the ad server. For example: /hello/world/12345

iframesize string <optional>

Iframe size condition. For example: 1x2

page string <optional>

A page condition is a regular expression that matches against the page URL.

placementKey string <optional>

The "placement key" value that was used in the ad request.


A MediaVoice creative.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
author ManagedMode.Callbacks.Author <optional>

The creative's author.

campaigns Array.<ManagedMode.Callbacks.Campaign>

Array of campaigns to which this creative belongs.

content string <optional>

The HTML content of the creative. This is relevant to a Hosted Content creative. (The type value for Hosted Content is "article".)

cta Array.<ManagedMode.Callbacks.CTA> <optional>

An array of the creative's CTA (call-to-action) objects.

custom Object <optional>

The creative's custom fields.

embeds Array.<ManagedMode.Callbacks.Embed> <optional>

The creative's embedded content, for example, social media posts.

This property is set only on the creative argument to ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill, not the creatives in the context argument.

experienceHash string

The unique identifier for the creative's "experience". This will differ between different variants of the same creative, when optimization is being used.

id string

The unique identifier for the creative's "instance".

image ManagedMode.Callbacks.Thumbnail <optional>

The creative's main thumbnail image.

layoutType "single_creative" | "collection" <optional>

The layout type.

This property is set only on the creative argument to ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill, not the creatives in the context argument.

link string <optional>

The creative's destination URL.

pubDate string <optional>

The creative's publication date. The format is:

YYYY-MM-DD "T" HH:mm:ss "Z"

For example:


render ManagedMode.Callbacks.LayoutRenderOptions <optional>

Options that affect how the layout is rendered.

This property is set only on the creative argument to ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill, not the creatives in the context argument.

rule ManagedMode.Callbacks.Rule <optional>

The rule whose conditions were matched.

This property is set only on the creative argument to ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill, not the creatives in the context argument.

sponsor ManagedMode.Callbacks.Sponsor <optional>

The sponsor.

This property is set only on the creative argument to ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill, not the creatives in the context argument.

summary string <optional>

The creative's summary.

team ManagedMode.Callbacks.Team

The team that owns this creative.

title string <optional>

The creative's title.

type "article" | "deck" | "facebook-post" | "inbound" | "instagram-media" | "outbound" | "tweet"

The creative's experience type.

Hosted Content
Facebook Content
Web Content
Instagram Content
External Content
Twitter Content


A CTA (call-to-action) object.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
destUrl string

The destination URL.

id string

Unique identifier for the CTA.

image ManagedMode.Callbacks.Logo <optional>

The CTA image. Usually this is the sponsor's logo.

sponsorName string <optional>

The CTA sponsor's name.

type "sponsorlogolink" | "sponsornamelink"

The CTA type. It may be a sponsor's logo (image) or a sponsor's name (text).

customInjection(templateContext) → {InjectionStrategy}

This callback is executed immediately before the rendered template is injected onto the page.

This callback should return an object with two optional properties: "injectionTarget" and "injectionBehavior".

These properties can be modified to control the template's injection location.

Name Type Description
templateContext ManagedMode.Callbacks.TemplateContext

The jQuery-wrapped, fully-rendered, template element.


An InjectionStrategy object which specifies the template's injection target and the injection behavior.

(function(templateContext) {
    // Inject the template after the specified
    // element's (id="river") children.
    return {
      "injectionBehavior": "append",


An Embed object represents embedded content such as social media posts.

  • Object
Name Type Description
type Object

Information about the embedded content type.

Name Type Argument Description
tweet boolean <optional>

True if the embed is a post from Twitter.

instagram-media boolean <optional>

True if the embed is a post from Instagram.

Ensure that you access this property with quotes; for example:

if (embed.type["instagram-media"]) {}

facebook-post boolean <optional>

True is the embed is a post from Facebook.

Ensure that you access this property with quotes; for example:

if (embed.type["facebook-post"]) {}


The FillContext object is passed to your ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill callback function.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
channel ManagedMode.Callbacks.Channel

The channel tells us whether we are running inside a normal web page, an AMP page, a mobile app, etc.

creatives Array.<ManagedMode.Callbacks.Creative>

Array of creatives. Only a Multi-Creative layout will be able to render more than one.

exitOnDefaultRule boolean <optional>

True if the default placement will not be rendered when no conditions match.

placement ManagedMode.Callbacks.Placement

The placement whose layout will be rendered.


This is the object returned from the ManagedMode.Callbacks.customInjection callback.

Its properties are used to modify the template's injection location.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
injectionTarget Object <optional>

This should be a DOM element. If not specified, this will default to "Window.frameElement".

injectionBehavior "append" | "prepend" | "before" | "after" <optional>

This controls how the template is injected, relative to the "injectionTarget". If not specified, this will default to "before", but can be any of the values listed below:

The template will be placed inside of the DOM element identified by "injectionTarget", but after any existing content within "injectionTarget".
The template will be placed inside of the DOM element identified by "injectionTarget", but before any existing content within "injectionTarget".
The template will be placed outside of and in front of the DOM element identified by "injectionTarget".
The template will be placed outside of and after the DOM element identified by "injectionTarget".


Options that affect how a layout is rendered.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
adjustHeight string <optional>

"automatic" if the layout uses the "Automatically adjust iframe height" option.

adjustWidth string <optional>

"automatic" if the layout uses the "Automatically adjust iframe width" option.

bustIframe boolean <optional>

True if the layout uses the "Render outside of the iframe" option.

A Logo object.

This represents a sponsor's logo image.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
caption string <optional>

The logo's caption.

credits string <optional>

The logo's credits.

sourceHeight number

The height, in pixels, of the original source image file.

sourceWidth number

The width, in pixels, of the original source image file.


The Error function is called when a creative fails to render.

Failures can occur due to a promo feed being empty, or JavaScript errors during rendering.

This will NOT be called in other more common situations such as the creative failing to load.

Name Type Description
errorContext Object
Name Type Argument Description
$ JQueryStatic

A jQuery API object. This is the global jQuery object, not an instance.

Note: your callback function may be running in an iframe document, which may not be the same document where your layout is rendered. Therefore, you may need to specify the document when making a query, for example:


err string <optional>

An error code, if available.

A promo feed had no creatives, so rendering cannot continue.
(function(errorContext) {

onFill(fillContext, creative, jQuery)

The Fill function is called after the creative data has loaded, but before the layout is rendered.

Name Type Description
fillContext ManagedMode.Callbacks.FillContext

An object that tells you which creatives were loaded, which layout will be used to render them, and other useful information.

creative ManagedMode.Callbacks.Creative

This creative object will be used for rendering. If you make changes to this object, then those changes will persist.

jQuery JQueryStatic

A jQuery API object. This is the global jQuery object, not an instance.

Note: your callback function may be running in an iframe document, which may not be the same document where your layout is rendered. Therefore, you may need to specify the document when making a query, for example:


(function(fillContext, creative, jQuery) {
    // Change the title that will be rendered
    // on an AMP page.
    try {
        if ( === "amp") {
            creative.title = "New Title";
    } catch (error) {}


The Render function is called after the creative has been rendered.

At this point, your layout's template has been filled, parsed as HTML, and inserted into the document.

Name Type Description
renderContext ManagedMode.Callbacks.RenderContext

The rendered layout and related information.

(function(renderContext) {


An Organization object.

An Organization owns one or more teams; each team owns one or more campaigns.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

Unique identifier for the organization.

name string

Organization name.


A Placement object represents a layout and how it was chosen.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

Unique identifier of the placement.

layoutType "single_creative" | "collection"

The layout type.

name string

The layout name.

render ManagedMode.Callbacks.LayoutRenderOptions

Options that affect how the layout is rendered.

rule ManagedMode.Callbacks.Rule

The rule whose conditions were matched. This rule's layout will be used for rendering.


A RenderContext object contains a rendered layout and related information.

This is the argument to the ManagedMode.Callbacks.onRender callback.

  • Object
Name Type Description
$ JQueryStatic

A jQuery API object. This is the global jQuery object, not an instance.

Note: your callback function may be running in an iframe document, which may not be the same document where your layout is rendered. Therefore, you may need to specify the document when making a query, for example:


$template jQuery

A jQuery object that represents the rendered template.

If your layout renders outside of the iframe, then the DOM elements may belong to a different document than window.document.

analytics Object

An object with methods for manual analytics event tracking.

Name Type Description
trackPrimaryClick function

Call this function to emit a click event. This should only be used in special cases. For example, your layout might have a "tap to expand" button that you wish to count as a click, when it would not happen automatically.

attachInteractionWatcher function

Creates a function that watches an element for user interaction. This is for tracking clicks or taps of embedded content. When you call attachInteractionWatcher, it will attach a "watcher" function to the given object. After your embedded content has loaded, you can call the watcher function to start tracking user interactions. You should only call the watcher function one time.

fill ManagedMode.Callbacks.FillContext

Information about how the creative was loaded.

This is the same object passed to the ManagedMode.Callbacks.onFill callback.

placementData ManagedMode.Callbacks.Placement

Information about the placement whose layout was used to render the template.

rendering Object

An object with helper functions for rendering

Name Type Description
resizeFrameToFitContent function

Call this function to resize the frame containing the creative to the proper size for the creative.


A Rule object determines which layout to render based on a set of conditions.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
conditions ManagedMode.Callbacks.Conditions

The conditions that will be matched for this rule to take effect.

id string

The unique identifier of this rule.

isDefault boolean <optional>

True if this rule is used by default when no other rules have matching conditions.

name string

The rule name.

placement string

The unique identifier of the placement whose layout will be rendered when this rule has matching conditions.


A Sponsor object.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
link string <optional>

A URL for the sponsor.

logo ManagedMode.Callbacks.Logo <optional>

The sponsor's logo.

name string

The sponsor's name.


A Team object. Each Team belongs to an Organization.

  • Object
Name Type Description
id string

Unique identifier for the team.

name string

Team name.

organization ManagedMode.Callbacks.Organization

The organization that owns this team.


A TemplateContext object contains the jQuery-wrapped template as well as a jQuery API object.

This is the argument to the ManagedMode.Callbacks.customInjection callback.

  • Object
Name Type Description
$ JQueryStatic

A jQuery API object. This is the global jQuery object, not an instance.

Note: your callback function may be running in an iframe document, which may not be the same document where your layout is rendered. Therefore, you may need to specify the document when making a query, for example:


$template jQuery

A jQuery object that represents the jQuery-wrapped template.

If your layout renders outside of the iframe, then the DOM elements may belong to a different document than window.document.


A Thumbnail object represents the main thumbnail image for a creative.

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
caption string <optional>

The image caption.

credits string <optional>

The image credits.

instances Array.<ManagedMode.Callbacks.ThumbnailInstance> <optional>

Array of instances. Each instance is intended to represent the same image, but cropped to different aspect ratios. Your layout's Handlebars template will choose which instance to use.


A ThumbnailInstance object represents one aspect ratio of a thumbnail image.

Thumbnail images can have multiple "instances" that represent the same image cropped to different aspect ratios.

  • Object
Name Type Description
sourceHeight number

The height, in pixels, of the original image file.

sourceWidth number

The width, in pixels, of the original image file.


A Vertical object.

  • Object
Name Type Description
vertical.code string

The vertical code (MSCI/S&P GICS Industry Group). string

The vertical name.

  "code": "1010",
  "name": "Energy",
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Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.6 on Fri Sep 20 2024 16:46:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) using the DocStrap template.